E-Commerce Platform

Florian Lohmeier
Cover Image for E-Commerce Platform

Initial situation

Although our customer has been operating traditional retail stores throughout Germany for over a hundred years, an important part of sales is generated online.

Especially during the Corona pandemic, more and more attention was therefore paid to the presentation and findability of products in the online store. While the actual search has been delivering reliable results for some time, accessing products directly from the search slot should become even more efficient and intuitive.

Our contribution

With our optimally adapted technology for querying and displaying search completions, it is possible for website users to display the most relevant products in all possible variations, including price and preview image, after entering just a few letters or digits.

This shifts a large part of the search experience to the first few seconds of interaction. Suitable products can be accessed directly from the suggestion list.

To ensure that the suggested products fit the query perfectly and that the space in the suggestion box can be used optimally, our proprietary data consolidation algorithms were also used to effectively combine duplicates into one.

    Florian Lohmeier
    CO-Founder NEOMO GmbH
    Florian has always had a strong emphasis on all things visual and UX with a bias towards search-based applications.

    There's more where this came from!

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