Who reads policies anyway?

Johannes Stiehler
Cover Image for Who reads policies anyway?

In my professional life so far, I have managed American, Norwegian and German companies.

What they all had in common: business areas in the field of AI and text search - and paperwork, insane amounts of paperwork. Contrary to my original expectations, the countries didn't differ much at all in that regard. In the U.S., there were perhaps some more legal documents, in the European countries some more data protection and human resources compendia. But everywhere, one sometimes had the impression that the creation and filing of documents was the real purpose of the company.

With recent improvements in Large Language Models, there is finally an opportunity to bring Artificial Intelligence and paperwork together in new and innovative ways. We are working on a number of tools and services in this area.

The first - Quaestio - addresses a problem I've had countless times in various forms: GDPR, compliance, occupational health and safety - all of which require regular training and information from employees at all levels - whether it's on new regulations, as part of onboarding, or as a regular refresher.

Either this can be done in person, in the form of a more or less sleep-inducing presentation. Advantage: You can determine whether all participants are still awake and at least not actively doing something else. Disadvantages: You have to find a time when everyone is available - which, of course, never works. Also, you can convey less information in an hour presentation than fits on three A4 pages.

Alternatively, PPT files or PDF articles are sent to the employees concerned, knowing full well that 90% of them disappear unread into the depths of the mailbox.

Workflows in document management systems can at least somewhat alleviate this problem: At the very least, it is possible to verify that the recipient has opened the document and may even have to acknowledge that it has been read.

Our demo shows how AI can be used to go a crucial step further and actually verify understanding of the matter. Quaestio ensures that an employee hasn't looked right past the video to check Instagram or, in the case of a PDF, has only read the first page.

Using heuristic segmentation of the content of documents and videos, Quaestio can identify and weight sections of meaning, summarize their content, and ask comprehension questions about them.
The answers to the questions are recorded and evaluated.
These questions are simple yes / no questions so that the overall experience is not frustrating. For incorrectly answered questions, an explanation of the correct answer is displayed so that the knowledge gap can be closed right away.

Quaestio takes employee training and information from "submit & forget" to "measurable understanding" without creating effort in the organization. This is what AI is supposed to be like.

Johannes Stiehler
CO-Founder NEOMO GmbH
Johannes has spent his entire professional career working on software solutions that process, enrich and surface textual information.

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